Upcoming IoT Trends to look for in 2021 and Beyond
IoT is omnipresent in today’s world and is making an impact on our daily lives. IoT has seen significant growth in 2020, and as we are on the verge of 2021, the number of devices installed is only expected to grow. This is quite evident from the stats as well. According to a report by Techjury, there will be 35 billion IoT devices installed worldwide by 2021 and 75.44 billion by 2025.
According to Forrester, the article also stated that in 2021 some uses of IoT would focus on core health-and-safety initiatives (such as building cleaning technologies and track-and-trace capabilities). Simultaneously, while IoT technologies will be enlisted for basic needs, it will also be critical for higher-level customer service and customer experience efforts. Many IoT technologies will lay a foundation and help organizations progress to focus on more mature areas, such as customer service and customer experience.
You could read more about how the convergence of IoT is driving industry 4.0 here.
Also, read more about the upcoming trends in IoT here.